Hi from all of us here at Marxist Moments! We hope you’ll count this as one of your socialist websites, for over a period of time it should bring you more good things.
Hi from all of us here at Marxist Moments! We hope you’ll count this as one of your socialist websites, for over a period of time it should bring you more good things.
are four pages to this site. The first is our current blog and archive – the most
recent comments and articles on the modern scene.
next section is devoted to the philosophy of history, the centrepiece being a
lengthy article, The
Historical Materialist and the Concept of History, an extended study on issues
central to ‘the materialist concept of history’, as Marx and Engels called it.
It has not been published prior to this website.
third section, ‘Settling Old Scores’, is devoted to the postmodernist onslaught
upon the historical studies discipline. It is referred to as ‘old scores’
because much of this debate has been passed over as postmodernism diminishes in
stature and status, just like all other bourgeois attempts to rejuvenate
bourgeois intellectuality, as if to pour ‘quantitative easing’ into it. But
postmodernism has ways of creeping back into favour in one guise or another so
it is as well to review the controversies of a few years’ ago and because
postmodernism still holds sway in many university departments now run by those
who were young and impressionable when postmodernism came along, and so still
in its thrall. As the British prime minister H.H. Asquith once remarked,
nothing matters very much, and some things don’t matter at all. This could be
said for some of our intellectual and academic fads across the decades.
A fourth page, Bit and Biblio, offers a tailpiece rounding off the whole series + an extensive Bibliography covering most of the articles with references in them.
A fourth page, Bit and Biblio, offers a tailpiece rounding off the whole series + an extensive Bibliography covering most of the articles with references in them.
will be more blogging on the way in time, so keep a lookout! Only one
article here has appeared in the public prints before now. Otherwise, all fresh
calm those of a nervous disposition, we here are not followers of any current
political party or grouping, on the (Groucho) Marxian principle of never
joining any organisation that would have us as a member.