(corrected 14.2.19)
(corrected 14.2.19)
One has been expecting a general onslaught
upon Jeremy Corbyn from the mainstream media for some time, especially since
charges that he was a Czech spy during the Cold War, that he has been friendly
with (Leftwing) dictators and supported IRA terrorism during the Troubles seem
not to have stuck, alas, for lack of proof. And because these charges fly in
the face of all that we know of Corbyn’s long career in politics.
His rabid anti-Semitism has also
failed to take hold (especially since he appears to have celebrated Seder last
year with constituency Jews) for the Right-wing
Press can never quite decide whether he wields sinister dictatorial powers
within Labour or is too weak to combat
the insidious anti-Semitism in which the Party is saturated. Since the
anti-Corbyn tendency could never quite determine the answer to this conundrum
the anti-Semitism story has thrived and waned and thrived again depending on
how desperate the Labour Right is to get rid of Corbyn.
Apparently the Labour Party became
controlled by a vicious cabal of anti-Semites when Ed Miliband – a Jew – was elected
its leader prior to Jeremy’s succession. At that time the Press made great play
with Ed’s apparent inability to eat a bacon sandwich (it is understood that
Jews are forbidden to eat pork, so this was quite 'funny') while Ed’s late father Ralph Miliband (respected
Marxist scholar and a former Belgian refugee from Nazism) was emblazoned in
Daily Mail headlines as ‘the enemy of Britain’.
With the collapse of all faith in Mrs
May’s zombie Tory government and thus an increasing likelihood that Labour
under Corbyn may well come to power, sooner or later, it has finally come time
for the Press to unleash the dogs of war on him and throw everything at him
that they can possibly find. And so the Mail on Sunday, for 10th
February 2019. In page after page of diatribe we find, amongst other things,
that his two ex-wives have a very low opinion of him and his ‘joylessness’ –
which according to commentators makes him poor prime ministerial material. One
wife said he once forced her to spend a night in a tent, which surely disbars
him from any further participation in politics. And he insisted on a family outing to visit
Marx’s grave at Highgate Cemetery: an odd and inhumane thing for a lifelong and
dedicated socialist to want to do.
I would hate to think what any ex’es of
mine would have said about me in retrospect; I don’t suppose on the whole that
ex-husbands and ex-wives come off well in marital recollection, or their ex-spouses
wouldn’t have divorced them. The fact that Jeremy has long been happily married
to a third wife and has three fine adult sons who love him is not mentioned in
this trashing expedition in the Mail. Are these denunciations the best the Mail
can come up with? There must be a lot of cleanly-scraped barrel bottoms stored
As for his ‘joylessness’, I don’t see
Theresa May as a barrel of laughs, either, which is part of her problem in
politics. Even an entrance of dancing at the last Tory Conference did not exactly
result in offers from ‘Strictly’. But we could hardly call Tony Blair or David
Cameron joyless. On the contrary, they proved to be urbane, able to speak with
easy empathy, personable, jokey and to be one of the chaps, as well as having a
reasonable dress-sense and able to use the right cutlery at the annual Lord
Mayor’s Mansion banquet. And what Prime Ministers! Still, it is not a proper comparison
since Jeremy is not yet a Prime Minister.
Then I got to thinking: which Prime
Minister would we most have liked being married to? Margaret Thatcher? Apart
from the devoted Denis and the besotted late Alan Clark I should imagine the
majority of male voters, whatever their politics, would have shrunk back from
such a prospect. Edward Heath? This confirmed and grouchy bachelor would
scarcely seem love’s young dream. What about the philandering David Lloyd
George? Or indeed Winston Churchill – not a philanderer but he drank too much
and must have been a pain to live with, as the subsequent histories of his
children (if not the ‘treasure’ Clemmie herself) would seem to confirm. The
Mail on Sunday also accuses Jeremy of being wholly incompetent over his own
finances, thus hardly likely to steer the nation to prosperity. We might rejoin
that at the least he has been presenting honest and straightforward books to
HMRC and is one of the few politicians who even informs the public of what
taxes he actually pays. Again, in
contrast to Churchill, whose extravagance was not held back by constant threats
of bankruptcy and who had to labour mightily to keep a jump or two ahead of the
bailiffs. Prime Ministerial material? Forget it!
Worst of all, perhaps, Jeremy Corbyn
cannot, it seems, distinguish the taste between Heinz baked beans and other
What kind of person can pretend to be
the leader of this great country who cannot tell the difference between
different sorts of baked beans?
Well, let’s see how far this
devastating onslaught hits home.
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